
In accordance with the provisions of Articles 12. and 78. of the Law on Associations (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 51/2009 and 99/2011), as well as on the basis of Article 40. of the Statute of the Serbian Association of Landscape Architects, at the session of the Assembly of the Serbian Association of Landscape Architects held on the 22nd of December 2016, was adopted the following







Article 1.

Serbian Association of Landscape Architects (hereinafter referred to as SALA) is an independent and non-profit association of an expert, professional and social character, founded to achieve goals in the field of landscape architecture.

SALA is a voluntary organization of landscape architects of Serbia based on personal determination and membership of members, established for an indefinite period and open for cooperation with the other associations and unions, professional organizations, companies and institutions on the basis of mutual respect and independence in work.


Article 2.

The name of the association is: SERBIAN ASSOCIATION OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (SALA/UPAS/УПАС). The abbreviated name of the association is SALA (UPAS). The seat of the Association is in Belgrade. The activity of SALA is on the entire territory of Serbia. When cooperating with foreign organizations, the name of the association is: Serbian Association of Landscape Architects.

The abbreviated name of the association in English is SALA.

SALA is a collective member of SITS – Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia.

SALA is a collective member of the International Federation of Landscape Architects – (IFLA) and IFLA Europe (International Federation of Landscape Architects – European Region).


Article 3.

The Association of Landscape Architects has the status of a legal entity.

SALA has a visual identity symbol, i.e. a sign and a logo that is determined by the Management Board.





Article 4.

The main goal of SALA is the affirmation, promotion and protection of the status of landscape architecture as a profession within the social and cultural trends in Serbia.


Article 5.

In order to achieve the main goal, the tasks of SALA are:

– Gathering and professional and social organization of landscape architects, i.e. professional institutions, members of associations, which deal with the activity of landscape architecture, in order to achieve common interests and goals;

– Affirmation of creative-engineering work in the field of landscape architecture;

– Affirmation and protection of the fundamental values, interests and position of landscape architecture in society, through the promotion of humane, professional, scientific and artistic aspects of landscape architecture in all areas of the profession such as: protection and improvement of landscapes and natural resources, environmental protection, preservation of cultural heritage and landscape values ​​of space, landscape planning and design, planning of recreational areas, planning and design of urban open spaces, landscape and urban design, development of landscape and garden culture, improvement of landscape engineering and management activities, affirmation of modern practical and theoretical achievements of the profession, etc.;

Inspiring and encouraging the creativeness of landscape architecture through the organization and implementation of all kinds of contests for obtaining conceptual solutions, exhibitions, conferences and seminars, publishing activities, monitoring foreign achievements, etc.;

– Protection of social and professional independence and assurance of conditions for practicing the profession, as well as protection of copyrights of landscape architects, i.e. protection and affirmation of professional interests and professional status of SALA members, in the entire area in which the association operates;

– Monitoring the execution of the rights and obligations of its members, especially from the point of view of the professional code of landscape architects;

– Mutual exchange of professional, scientific, methodological and practical knowledge and experiences of landscape architects through the development of organized information for members and the wider professional public, as well as the exchange of experiences with representatives of other professions;

– Providing collegial assistance to its members, constant concern for their improvement;

– Cooperation with international organizations of landscape architects, as well as domestic and international associations of related professions;

– Organizing participation in the preparation and adoption of laws and by-laws of importance for the profession;

– Participation in the development of expert-scientific and expert-artistic activities and improvement of education in the field of landscape architecture together with educational and scientific institutions and the economy;

– Acting in the field of tourism, ecotourism, youth activism, sports, culture;

– Encouraging the activities of members in a multidisciplinary approach to climate change and sustainable development;


– Registering the activities of SALA members in the field of professional and social action and awarding appropriate awards and recognition for successful achievements in the field of landscape architecture;

– Realization of other tasks of SALA in accordance with the Association’s Statute and Program.




Article 6.

The membership in SALA is voluntary for all landscape architects of Serbia who meet the conditions stipulated by the Statute.

Admission to membership is decided by the Management Board of SALA at the personal request of the candidate, in accordance with the Rulebook on admission of members.

Unsatisfied with the decision of the SALA Executive Board, a candidate can appeal to the SALA Assembly, which makes the final decision.


Article 7.

The members of the Association can be individuals, members-legal entities, associates and honorary members.

Individual members can be all landscape architects with a minimum of four years of academic education, i.e. 240 ECTS points acquired at universities in Serbia, as well as landscape architects who graduated from universities outside Serbia, accredited by IFLA Europe. The admission of landscape architects who graduated from universities outside Serbia and are not accredited by IFLA Europe is decided by the Commission, which is formed by the Management Board as necessary. Individual members can only be citizens of the Republic of Serbia, residing in the RS.


The members-legal entities (collective members) can be all legal entities engaged in the activity of landscape architecture, or support the work of SALA for their business reasons. Collective members do not have the right to elect and be elected to the Association’s bodies. The relations of SALA with its collective members are regulated by a separate Rulebook.

The status of associate member can be held by landscape architects who are citizens of the RS without residence in the territory of the RS, landscape architects who are foreign citizens with residence in the territory of the RS, who, based on their request and a special decision of the SALA Management Board, can be members of SALA, without the possibility of being integrated into the working bodies of SALA.


The Individual members also pass to the status of associate member by not fulfilling the membership obligations described in Article 10. of the Statute.

Honorary members can be persons of special social or professional reputation. Honorary members are proposed by SALA members, the SALA Management Board gives their opinion, and they are promoted by the SALA Assembly. Honorary members cannot be elected to the bodies of the Association, nor can they vote for the election of their members.


All members of the Association have the right to directly participate in the work of the Association by submitting proposals or objections to the work of the SALA bodies.


Article 8.

The rights of individual members of the Association of Landscape Architects are:

– to expand and improve their professional knowledge,

– to participate in professional and other activities of the Organization and give their professional contribution,

– to gain insight into the work of the Organization, to express their views on its work and to propose measures for better and more modern work of the Organization,

– to have the right to vote, to elect and be elected to the bodies of the Association,

– to seek and enjoy the protection of their rights, in accordance with the SALA Statute,

– to use the privileges that the organization is able to provide, – to write “SALA member” after their name and title. The obligation of each individual member is to sign the application form – a statement accepting the SALA Statute, decisions and acts adopted on the basis of the Statute, as well as the Professional Code of Landscape Architects.

Article 9.

The duties of individual SALA members:

– to work on achieving the goals and objectives of the Association of Landscape Architects,

– to improve and develop the multidisciplinarity of the profession, to foster joint work to improve the professional exchange of experience and the general scientific and artistic development of the profession,

– to comply with the provisions of the Statute and other acts of the Organization,

– to respect the Code of the Association of Landscape Architects and the decisions of the Court of Honor,

– to implement the decisions and conclusions of the SALA body,

– to participate in professional activities of the Association of Landscape Architects,

– to pay their membership fees regularly.


Article 10.

The amount of the membership fee is determined by the Management Board of SALA, and adopted by the Assembly at the session before the beginning of the new calendar year.

The membership fee is free for all new individual members in the first calendar year after graduation, in which they enjoy all rights and obligations.

The individual membership fee for unemployed and retired colleagues is determined as 50% of the amount of the individual membership fee for employees.

The individual membership fee for colleagues employed by a member-legal entity (collective member) of SALA is determined as 50% of the amount of the individual membership fee for other employees.

The SALA membership fee is paid once a year by the end of September for the current year.

If membership obligations are not paid by the end of September of the current year, members lose the right to vote at regular and extraordinary sessions of the SALA assembly, and if they are not paid for two consecutive years, they become an associate member.

Returning to the status of an individual member is possible after the settlement of all outstanding membership obligations.


Article 11.

The membership in SALA ends:

– by the will of a SALA member,

– by death,

– by exclusion, if a member violates the SALA Professional Code,

– by the termination of SALA,

– due to non-payment of arrears of membership obligations even within a period of two years after transitioning to the status of an associate member.

Returning to membership and the status of an individual member is possible after the payment of all membership obligations, from the expiration of the last membership fee until re-acquiring the status of a member.

The SALA Assembly decides on the exclusion of a SALA member, based on the proposal of the Management Board.




Article 12.

The Association of Landscape Architects is organized according to the principle of a unique organization on the territory of Serbia. SALA members form city, regional or other societies or sections according to need or professional affinity, with the consent of the SALA Management Board.

In order to create young professionals, SALA supports students of landscape architecture who can form their own organizations within the faculties where they study.

– Junior Association of Landscape Architects (PUPA/english abbreviation: JALA), if the goals of such an association are the same as the goals of SALA. JALA cooperates with SALA through its representatives in communication with the Management Board of SALA.

The Association of Landscape Architects is managed by its members through their representatives in the organs and bodies of SALA, who are elected from distinguished members in accordance with this Statute.


Article 13.

The bodies of the Association of Landscape Architects are:

  1. Assembly,
  2. Management Board,
  3. Supervisory Board,
  4. President of the Association.

In addition to the above, within the Association, the following are also formed:

  1. Agency for professional activity,
  2. Court of Honor.



Article 14.

The Assembly is the highest body of SALA and consists of all members of the Association. It is convened by the Management Board as needed, but at least once a year.

An extraordinary session of the Assembly is called upon the proposal of the Management Board or at least 20 members of the Association of Landscape Architects.

The session of the Assembly is scheduled at least 30 days in advance and the membership is invited on the website of the Association and via e-mail. Until the session, the invitation is periodically repeated.

The Assembly makes valid decisions if at least 20 members of SALA are present at the session. All decisions of the assembly are valid if they are voted for by a simple majority of the members present. Voting is public.

The Assembly may decide that the vote shall be secret. Voting is always secret when voting for members of SALA bodies.

The Assembly elects the members of the SALA bodies and the SALA president as follows:

  1. Information about the termination of the mandate of individual members of SALA bodies or the president of SALA is published by the Supervisory Board on the website of the Association no later than 30 days before the election session of the Assembly.
  2. At the same time, a form is posted on the website through which SALA members propose candidates for those positions, according to their free opinion.
  3. Each member can nominate a maximum of one candidate for a vacant position in any SALA body.
  4. The candidate for the post of president of SALA must be proposed by at least 5 members of SALA. Candidates for positions in other SALA bodies elected by the Assembly must be nominated by at least 3 members of SALA.
  5. The nomination of candidates is concluded 10 days before the Assembly.
  6. The Supervisory Board compiles a list of registered candidates, posts it on the Association’s website, and prints ballots.
  7. At the beginning of the election session of the Assembly, the Supervisory Board elects a three-member Election Commission from the present SALA members with the right to vote. Candidates voted for may not be members of the Election Commission.
  8. Voting is done by rounding up the maximum number of candidates required to replace members whose mandate has expired. A ballot with a smaller number of candidates than the required number is also valid, but a ballot with a larger number of candidates than the required number is considered invalid.
  9. The Election Commission checks the voting materials, conducts the voting, ensures the secrecy of the voting, counts the votes, announces the results of the voting and draws up and signs the record.
  10. The candidate for whom more than half (simple majority) of the present SALA members with the right to vote voted is considered elected.
  11. If a greater number of candidates than the required number receive a simple majority of valid votes, it is considered that the candidates with the highest number of votes have been elected.
  12. If several candidates receive the same number of votes, the voting on those candidates is immediately repeated.
  13. If the required number of members of the body for which the election is being held is not selected in the first round of voting, the selected candidates are accepted, and the remaining candidates from the list are voted on in the second round, until the required number is selected.
  14. If even after the second round, the required number of members of the body for which the election is being held is not elected, it is considered that the Assembly was not satisfied with the registered candidates, so the election procedure is repeated for those positions that remained vacant.
  15. The Assembly may decide to repeat the vote if doubts are expressed about the outcome of the vote.
  16. When electing the president of SALA, the candidates are obliged to present their work program during the mandate, with an emphasis on the first year, before the start of the voting.



Article 15.

The SALA Assembly passes and adopts:

– Statute;

– Work program;

– Financial plan;

– Professional code;

– General acts regulating the composition and organization of work of the Court of Honor;

– the Assembly Rules of Procedure of and other documents related to SALA operations;

– Approves the reports of the Management and Supervisory Boards;

– Approves the annual financial report;

– Approves the Annual Report on the work of SALA and its bodies;

– Forms commissions for carrying out certain tasks;

– Makes decisions on collective membership in other related organizations and associations in the country and abroad;

– Elects members of the Management Board, Supervisory Board, Court of Honor, Presidents of city and regional boards and presidents of the Association of Landscape Architects. The election of the members of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board, the Court of Honor and the President of UPAS is carried out by the Assembly by voting in accordance with the Statute;

– Proclaims honorary members of SALA;

– Enacts the Rulebook on the procedure and manner of registration, copyright protection and provision of intermediary services in the field of landscape architecture;

– Decides on joining alliances;

– Decides on status changes of the association;

– Decides on the termination of the work of the association.

– The work of the Assembly is managed by the chairman, who is, as a rule, the President of SALA.


Article 16.

The Management Board of SALA consists of 7 members elected by the Assembly, namely:

– The President of SALA, who is also the President of the Management Board,

– Six members of the Management Board.

The presidents of city and regional associations, the head of the Agency for Professional Activities and the secretary of SALA make up the extended composition of the Management Board.

The extended composition of the Management Board also includes representatives of the student body (PUPA/JALA) if decisions are made on matters of interest to the student body.

The Management Board elects the deputy president of SALA from among its members, by secret ballot, with an absolute majority of votes.

The mandate of the members of the Management Board lasts for three years, with the possibility of election for another consecutive mandate.


Article 17.

The Management Board coordinates the entire work of SALA, implements decisions and conclusions of the Assembly, goals and program principles, implements the financial plan, appoints members of permanent commissions and secretary.

The Management Board appoints representatives of SALA to the appropriate bodies and associations of interest to the profession.

The Management Board decides by an absolute majority of votes.


Article 18.

The Management Board passes and adopts:

– Cooperation program with other associations and organizations;

– Rulebook on accounting;

– Rulebook on travel expenses;

– Rulebook on the work of the Author Service;

– Decisions on the amount of fees for services provided;

– Decision on the amount of the membership fee;

– Decision on organizing expert meetings, exhibitions, workshops, etc.;

– Decision on holding the Assembly session;

– General acts that are not within the competence of the Assembly.


Article 19.

The Management Board determines the proposals:

– Association Statute;

– Association work program;

– Financial plan;

– Report on the work of SALA;

– Other acts adopted by the Assembly.

The Management Board forms the following bodies:

– Agency for professional activity;

– Author service;

– Commission for International Cooperation;

– Commission for Legislation;

– Commission for the development of professional education;

– Commission for social and legal protection of landscape architects;

– Commission for awarding of prizes in the field of landscape architecture.

The Management Board also monitors the work of the Commission coordinator.


Article 20.

The meetings of the Management Board are convened by the SALA president or the deputy president.

The Management Board is chaired by the President of SALA.

Meetings of the Management Board are held at least once every two months.

The Management Board is convened by the President of SALA, and may be convened at the request of the Supervisory Board or at the request of at least 4 members of the Management Board.

The regular meeting of the Management Board is scheduled at least 7 (seven) days before the meeting. It is published by e-mail with a set agenda. The agenda can be corrected at the meeting of the Management Board with the consent of the members of the Management Board.


Article 21.

Membership in the Management Board ends:

– at the end of the mandate,

– by the will of the member and

– at the suggestion of the President of SALA due to inactivity or violation of the professional code. The decision on the termination of the mandate in that case is made by the SALA Assembly during the session.



Article 22.

The Supervisory Board supervises the implementation of the Statute, the Professional Code and other normative acts, as well as the control of the legality of the work of SALA. It controls the financial operations and supervises the registered property of SALA.

The Supervisory Board consists of three members, one of whom is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board meets at least once a year, before the regular annual session of the Assembly.

The Supervisory Board submits a report to the SALA Assembly at least once a year, when adopting the report on the Association’s work and the annual financial report.

The mandate of members of the Supervisory Board lasts three years, with the possibility of election for another consecutive mandate.

Members of the Management Board, the Court of Honor and the Agency cannot be members of the Supervisory Board.

Decisions of the Supervisory Board are valid if the majority of members of the Supervisory Board vote for them.


Article 23.

President of SALA:

– Manages the work of the Association and is responsible for the work of SALA;

– Represents and represents SALA;

– Signs official acts and documents of SALA;

– He takes care of the execution of the financial plan;

– He chairs the Management Board

– Determines proposals for acts adopted by the Management Board;

– Cooperates with other organizations;

– Performs the duties and powers of the management body in accordance with the laws;

– Ensures that the work of the Association of Landscape Architects is carried out in accordance with the Law, Statute and decisions of the Assembly, Management Board and other bodies of SALA;

– Coordinates the work of the Management Board, the Agency for Professional Activities and commissions.

The mandate of the SALA President lasts for three years, with the possibility of re-election for another consecutive mandate.

The President of sala is obliged to attend the meetings of the Management Board and participate in the work, but without the right to vote, within one year after the end of the mandate.


Article 24.

The Deputy President replaces the President in his absence. Performs all entrusted tasks of the Management Board and assists the President in coordinating work in SALA affairs.

The Deputy President is elected by the Management Board from among its members by an absolute majority of members.


Article 25.

The head of the Agency for Professional Activities manages the Agency, coordinates the work of the Commissions, assists the Management Board in carrying out the assigned tasks, cooperates with related associations, etc.

The head of the Agency for professional activity is elected by the Management Board by an absolute majority of members. The head of the Agency for professional activity must be an individual member of SALA.


Article 26.

The Secretary of SALA assists the President and the Management Board in managing SALA. Manages ongoing affairs and ensures the execution of all decisions made in accordance with the Law. The Secretary deals with financial and normative affairs and performs other tasks entrusted to SALA.

The Secretary is elected by the Management Board by an absolute majority of members. The secretary must be an individual member of SALA.


Article 27.

The Agency for Professional Activities represents the general interests of the profession and the special interests of SALA members in accordance with the Statute and the Professional Code of Landscape Architects.

The agency is engaged in: SALA marketing, copyright protection, drafting of legal and by-laws and normative acts, competition organization, publishing and exhibition activities.

The activities of the Agency are regulated by a special Rulebook.


Article 28.

The author’s service of SALA provides the conditions for unhindered business for the SALA members in the activities for which SALA is registered. For the services of the SALA Author Service, members pay a fee to SALA.

The operation of the SALA Author Service is regulated by a separate regulation, and in everything in accordance with the Statute.

The Author Service is headed by a manager appointed by the SALA Management Board by an absolute majority of members.


Article 29.

The Court of Honor is established at the SALA as an independent and self-contained body that imposes measures for violations of business ethics and good business practices of association members.

The Court of Honor is obliged to protect and promote the ethical norms of the landscape architecture profession. It is responsible for resolving all issues of violation of the Professional Code of Landscape Architects and normative acts of SALA.

The Court of Honor may impose the following measures:

– a public notice with publication at the session of the Management Board,

– a public notice with publication at the Assembly session,

– a public notice with publication in public gazettes,

– prohibition of participation in the work of the Association’s bodies,

The Court of Honor consists of the president and four members whose reputation is indisputable in the profession.

A landscape architect who was previously subject to the sanctions of the same Court, or a member of the Management Board in that mandate, cannot be elected as a member of the Court of Honor. The work of the Court of Honor is regulated by the Rulebook on the Work of the Court of Honor.


Article 30.

The Landscape Architecture Prizes Commission awards the SALA Prize for a special contribution to the development of landscape architecture as a profession, art and science.

The SALA Assembly can establish a lifetime achievement prize, awards and more.

The composition of the Council members, the manner and procedure of awarding the landscape architecture prize are regulated by a separate Rulebook.





Article 31.

The SALA President is the association’s representative in legal transactions and has the rights and duties of a financial instructing party.

The deputy president is authorized to, in the absence of the president, represent SALA and sign all documents on behalf of the Association.

The Management Board can make a decision on a third representative, or on a representative as needed, who will represent SALA for a limited period of time and for certain occasions specified in the Decision of the Management Board.





Article 32.

The work of the SALA body is public.

Exceptionally, the SALA authority can decide to hold the session that is not open to the public.

The Management Board and Secretary of SALA take care of regularly informing the membership and the Association public work, either directly or through e-mail, press releases, or through the website, through internal publications or in another appropriate way.


Article 33.

The SALA may have its own newsletter (website, magazine, newsletter, etc.), the publication of which is determined by a separate act.



Article 34.

The Association obtains financial resources for its work from:

– membership fees,

– voluntary contributions, donations and gifts,

– from the state authorities – by implementing approved programs of public interest (in the field of environmental protection, sustainable development, culture, science and education),

– from registration fees for seminars, professional meetings, exhibitions, etc.,

– income generated from the services provided,

– other sources in a manner permitted by law.

The funds are managed by the SALA Management Board.

The management of material and financial operations is governed by the Rulebook on Accounting adopted by the Management Board.


Article 35.

The annual financial plan is implemented by the Management Board.

The instructing party is the President of SALA, and in his absence the it is the deputy president.

The Management Board authorizes the Secretary as the instructing party for certain financial affairs.

The Management Board submits an annual financial report that is adopted by the SALA Assembly.





Article 36.

In order to achieve the goals and tasks established by this Statute, SALA performs the activities of a professional association – 94.12., such as: organizing meetings of association bodies on professional, programmatic, status and organizational issues of interest to members and the work of the association; delegation of representatives to appropriate organizations for the purpose of determining and implementing the policy of spatial planning and environmental protection; cooperation with the other related organizations and associations in Serbia and in the world, as well as with social institutions (universities, institutions, institutes, etc.) that have an impact on the development of landscape architecture activities; organizing contests, exhibitions, excursions and other public manifestations in order to introduce the public to achievements in the field of landscape architecture; publication of professional and other information of importance for the development of activities; affirmation of profession and association; awarding of prizes and recognitions for significant results achieved in the profession, etc.



Article 37.

In order to achieve the goals and tasks established by this Statute, SALA can perform economic and other activities, as well as establish Services and Agencies, to which it can entrust certain tasks from its scope of work.

According to the codebook and description of APR’s activities, the Association is allowed to engage in:

– Publishing activities (professional magazines, periodicals, brochures, catalogs…);

– By organizing exhibitions in the field of landscape architecture of domestic and foreign equipment manufacturers, presentations of production and service programs of domestic and foreign organizations and investors;

– Services related to the design, managment and maintenance of the environment;

– Urban planning and design (in accordance with the Law);

– Research and development in other natural and technical-technological sciences;

– Consulting services;

– Forming databases;

– Other education (courses, seminars…);

– Other activities for the purpose of achieving the goals of SALA.

The association can start with the immediate performance of certain activities only after the registration in the Register of Business Entities and the adoption of the Rules of Procedure, on which, upon the proposal of the Management Board, the SALA Assembly makes a decision.

The SALA conducts business from registered activities in a transparent and public manner, through public notification of the membership, the competition institute, etc.

The profit realized in the manner from the previous paragraph can be used exclusively for the achievement of the established goals of the Association and its own participation in the financing of certain projects.


Article 38.

The SALA can carry out activities from Articles 36 and 37 of the Statute with its members and other legal and natural persons.

SALA can also establish companies and agencies with its members and other legal and natural persons in the country and abroad to perform its activities.





Article 39.

The SALA carries out its work and operations in accordance with the Law, its Statute and other general acts, as well as the Statute of SITS (Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia) of which it is a collective member.

In addition to its sign, it must apply a unique sign with stylized initials in Latin “IT” in blue.

It applies the Code of Ethics for Engineers and Technicians of Serbia.

As a member of SITS and a user of office space in the House of Engineers of Serbia, in ul. Kneza Milosa no. 7, Belgrade, the Association is obliged to apply and comply with the SITS Regulations: “Regulations on the Use of Engineers’ Homes and House Rules” and “Regulations on Fire Protection”.


Article 40.

The SALA cooperates with related associations and associations from Serbia and the world.

Association with international associations of landscape architects is carried out on the basis of special decisions of the SALA Management Board in accordance with the conventions and interests of association and work of SALA.





Article 41.

The initiative to change certain provisions or the entire Statute can be initiated by the Management Board of the Association of Landscape Architects or at least 20 regular members of the Association.

The SALA Assembly considers the reasons for initiating the procedure for amending the Statute and makes a decision on initiating the procedure for amending the Statute or rejecting the initiative.




Article 42.

After the entry into force of this Statute, the existing bodies and elected persons will continue their work in accordance with the current scope of work until the end of their mandate. Persons who are in the second consecutive mandate, upon the expiration of that mandate, do not have the right to be re-elected to the position and/or function they held in the previous mandate.

Persons who held the position of the President until the entry into force of this Statute may be elected as a member of the Management Board or other SALA body, with the right to two mandates. Persons who served as members of the SALA Management Board until the entry into force of this Statute may be elected as the SALA President with the right to two mandates.

At the end of the second consecutive mandate, a person can be re-elected to the same position after the end of a period of at least one electoral mandate.


Article 43.

The interpretation of the provisions of this Statute is carried out by the Management Board in cooperation with the Supervisory Board.



Article 44.

All provisions of the Statute are more closely regulated by special rules.


Article 45.

The validity of SALA acts is certified by the SALA seal.

The SALA has its seal, which is round in shape and bears the inscription “Association of Landscape Architects of Serbia”, as well as the institutional seal, all written in Cyrillic. If there is a need for more stamps, they are marked with Roman numerals.


Article 46.

The SALA ceases its work in cases provided for by law, or when 2/3 of the total number of members declare for the termination of the SALA work.

The decision on termination of The SALA work is made by the Assembly.


Article 47.

In case of termination of SALA, the entire property will belong to the Department of Landscape Architecture of the University of Belgrade, until the establishment of the same organization in Serbia. The decision on this is made by the SALA Assembly on the proposal of the Management Board.

The president of SALA is obliged to notify the competent authority within 15 days of the termination of the SALA work in the manner established by law and this Statute, in order to delete it from the Register.


Article 48.

The provisions of the Law on Associations will be directly applied to all matters not regulated by this Statute.


Article 49.

This Statute was adopted at the SALA Assembly held in Belgrade on the 22nd of December, 2016.




In Belgrade,

December 22, 2016.



President of the Serbian Association of Landscape Architects

Dušan Todorović, B.Sc. landscape architect

Document from the Agency for Business Registers (APR) for download (TIFF format): Статут УПАС из АПР